
(2024). Exploring LLM-Driven Explanations for Quantum Algorithms. In the Vision and Emerging Results track of ESEM 2024.
(2024). VaryMinions: Leveraging RNNs to Identify Variants in Variability-intensive Systems’ Logs. In EMSE.
(2024). Towards Feature-based ML-enabled Behaviour Location. In VaMoS 2024.
(2023). Doctoral Symposium: Variability-Aware Behavioural Learning. In the Doctoral Symposium of SPLC 2023.
(2022). Behavioral Maps: Identifying Architectural Smells in Self-adaptive Systems at Runtime.
(2022). Identifying Architectural Smells in Self-Adaptive Systems at Runtime.
(2021). A Vision to identify Architectural Smells in Self-Adaptive Systems using Behavioral Maps. In CASA 2021.
(2021). Doctoral Symposium: LIFTS: learning featured transition systems. In the Doctoral Symposium of SPLC 2021.
(2021). VaryMinions: leveraging RNNs to identify variants in event logs. In MaLTESQuE 2021.
(2020). An SMT-based concolic testing tool for logic programs. In FLOPS 2020.