Sophie Fortz
Sophie Fortz

Postdoctoral Researcher

About Me

My name is Sophie Fortz and I am a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in software engineering. Currently, I’m deeply involved in quantum programming as part of the VSL-Q project at King’s College London. In this exciting project, we are dedicated to providing verified simulation of large-scale quantum systems. Our focus extends beyond the theoretical to the practical, addressing platform specificities, noise and scalability issues. This endeavour represents a collaborative synergy, bringing together experts from diverse fields such as physics, programming languages, and software engineering. Working alongside Prof. Mohammad Reza Mousavi, I’ll be channeling my previous expertise towards pioneering testing techniques specifically tailored for quantum programs.

Before embarking on this quantum journey, I did a Ph.D. at the University of Namur. Under the guidance of Dr. Gilles Perrouin and Prof. Patrick Heymans, I delved into the intricacies of software engineering. After being funded by the FNRS EoS (Excellence of Science) VeriLearn project for a year, I secured a competitive FRIA (FNRS) Grant. In September 2023, I successfully defended my thesis, entitled “LIFTS: Learning Featured Transition Systems”.

On my spare hours, I like to read, draw and paint. I was also an active member of the Belgian Guide Federation for years, where I have been successively girl guide, group leader and trainer.

Download CV
  • Quantum programming
  • Software product lines
  • Behavioural modelling
  • Automata learning
  • Software testing
  • AI4SE & SE4AI
  • PhD in Software Engineering, 2023

    University of Namur

  • MSc in Computer Science, specialised in Software Engineering, 2019

    University of Namur

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2017

    University of Namur


  1. Postdoctoral Researcher

    King's College London
    Working on the VSL-Q project.
  2. Postdoctoral Researcher

    University of Namur
    Working on the EoS VeriLearn project.
  3. PhD Student

    University of Namur
    My thesis is entitled . I studied how to model the behaviour of Software Product Lines and how to automatically generate those kind of models.
  4. ALMIN president

    University of Namur
    The ALMIN is the alumni association of the computer science faculty in the university of Namur. This group organise activities for all the master and bachelor students who got their degree in the faculty. I am a board member of the association since 2019 and in 2021, I took the presidence.
  5. Research internship

    Polytechnic University of Valencia
    During my , I’ve done three months of research at the polytechnic university of Valencia (Spain), under the supervision of Pr. German Vidal. My work was nominated for the Jean Fichefet award (best master thesis award).
  6. Secretary and board member

    Computer Science Labs (CSLabs)
    is a non-profit organisation founded by students from Unamur’s Faculty of Computer Science, in order to promote computer science externally and provide trainings in different fields by and for students.


  1. PhD in Software Engineering

    University of Namur
  2. MSc in Computer Science, specialised in Software Engineering

    University of Namur
  3. BSc in Computer Science

    University of Namur
📚 Recent Publications
(2024). Exploring LLM-Driven Explanations for Quantum Algorithms. In the Vision and Emerging Results track of ESEM 2024.
(2024). VaryMinions: Leveraging RNNs to Identify Variants in Variability-intensive Systems’ Logs. In EMSE.
(2024). Towards Feature-based ML-enabled Behaviour Location. In VaMoS 2024.
(2023). Doctoral Symposium: Variability-Aware Behavioural Learning. In the Doctoral Symposium of SPLC 2023.
(2022). Behavioral Maps: Identifying Architectural Smells in Self-adaptive Systems at Runtime.
Teaching activities
  • INFOM115 - Software Testing:
    Organisation: Session labs and lectures for a total of 15h
    Public: 1st year Masters students, specialised in Software Engineering, from the computer science faculty of the University of Namur, Belgium
    Content: Supervised by Dr. Gilles Perrouin, we teach the fundamentals of software testing and more advanced techniques (mutation testing, metamorphic testing, fuzzy testing, test smells, etc.)
    Academic years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023

  • INFOB221 - Mathematics Fundamentals for Computer Science (part 2):
    Organisation: 15h of tutoring
    Public: 2nd year of Bachelor students from the Economics and Computer Science faculties of the University of Namur, Belgium
    Content: Basic concepts of Mathematics for Cryptography mainly (modular arithmetic, discrete log, symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption, elliptic curves)
    Academic years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022

  • IHDCB339 - Introduction to the Scientific Approach:
    Organisation: One group project supervision
    Public: 3d year of Bachelor students from the Computer Science faculty of the University of Namur, Belgium
    Content: In this project, I supervised a group of two students, guiding them in developing essential skills such as bibliographic research, critical source appraisal, scientific state-of-the-art writing, and effective scientific result presentation, while also ensuring a deep understanding of research problem definition, context, motivation, and related work within the field of information systems.
    Academic years: 2020-2021

Service activities

I’m taking part in several committees and helping the community in various ways:

  • Organising workshops and conferences :

    • Q-SE 2025 (Web & Publicity chair), 2025 ;
    • QSANER (co-Chair), 2025 ;
    • ICTSS (Challenge Track co-Chair), 2024 ;
    • SPLC (Publicity chair), 2024 ;
    • LearnAut(Co-chair), 2024 ;
  • Reviewing :

    • for specialised conferences: ICSR (research track, as a subreviewer), SPLC (research track, demo & tools), ESEC-FSE (artefacts), ECOOP (artefacts, extended review committee), SSBSE (challenge track), ICTAC (Research track), BENEVOL, VaMoS, ICST (Poster track), GI ICSE ;

    • for journals: EMSE (as a subreviewer), Software Quality Journal, SoSyM, JSS, TSE ;

  • Acting as a Student Volunteer for OR 2018 and SPLC 2023 ;

  • Representing scientifics at the Computer Science Faculty Council ;

  • Representing and promoting the Computer Science Faculty at several Students Fairs ;

  • Representing scientifics at the Section Groups, the place where students can express themselves to improve the faculty.

My Adventures

Check out my activities and interests, extending beyond research!